When you ll understand you must not sabotage the connection not even as a joke ... all will suddenly change … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

She was looking... amazing.

But ... still she had moments ... when she could not really believe that he was actually in love with her.

That ... somehow ... made her ask unconsciously for .... all sorts of confirmations.

In many ... weird abstract forms.

And she was doing this on and on and on.

Unfortunately ... not even after he talked with her .... explaining the psychological mechanism beyond her actions ... she couldn't stop herself.

It was all ... something similar with a sabotage of the relationship ... and the connection itself.

So ... all continued.

And ... no matter what he was trying to do ... nothing changed.

2-3 days .... all was nice.

Then ... she was doing again another stupid thing ... just to feel the confirmation ... that his love is real.



Unfortunately ... she was actually acting like a little weird silly ... princess.

On the other hand... he was losing his minds.

All ... being worst and worst.

And not even when a spiritual guru explained to her ... that the connection itself ... must never be sabotage .... not even as a joke ... it was still useless.

One day ... i've saw him .... sad, annoyed ... and without any hope into his eyes ... and i've asked ... "Why you look so lost?!"

"I am lost .... into this weird journey with her ... and no matter how much i try it ... i can't really change her.

I try ...

And i try ... but it is all useless.

She can't stop herself.

She continues to act as the princess that does ... only what she wants to do ... "

Most certainly ... it was another representation of the this syndrome of princess.

The disease of our ... era.

And ... the truth is ... that i really saw lots of women like this lady.

... making all sorts of psychological games with the lover ... treating him like ... a Mickey mouse.

But ... it was fun.

Other ladies ... were envying her.

Men .... were laughing of him.

I was only hoping ... not to ever be in the shoes of this men.



Yes ... a stupid scenario.

Unfortunately ... a real one.




Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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